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Liposuction of the Legs and Hips

Liposuction of the legs and thighs is one of the few really effective methods for removing excess fat from this part of the body and restoring their aesthetic appeal. Excess fat on the hips and legs is a very serious problem. It makes one refuse to go to the beach and wear short clothes, have complexes and feel uncomfortable, as if being in someone else’s body. Even more, the emotional and psychological state is affected by the fact that coping with “fat traps” using physical training and diets does not work. Do not reproach yourselves – the appearance of “fat traps” is associated with the genetic predisposition of the body, and the right decision is to turn to a plastic surgeon.

Liposuction of the Legs and Hips

Leg Liposuction at the Clinic of Dr. Chornomyz

In the clinic of Dr. Olexandr Chornomyz, you will receive not only a result that will exceed your expectations, but also delicate treatment, care and attention to your fears. First, we will discuss with you the effect which you expect from the surgery and real examples of liposuction of the legs and hips, which were performed at our clinic in Kyiv. Next, we will examine you for the absence of contraindications for the surgery – your safety is our top priority. Then we will set the time of the surgery and explain you how to prepare for it. In addition, we will discuss all the issues that concern you – the cost (we would like to assure you that we have reasonable prices), the choice of anesthesia, ways to speed up recovery after the surgery.

By choosing the clinic of Dr. Chornomyz to make the surgery on removing fat from the legs and thighs, calves, shins, hips, you will not be mistaken. We will make sure that you start wearing short skirts very soon and feel free to visit the beaches!


The main indications for carrying out liposuction of the legs and thighs include:

  1. excess fat tissues on the inside, which can cause curvature of the legs;
  2. fat deposits on the front of the leg, due to which it becomes excessively voluminous;
  3. the presence of fat folds on the thighs;
  4. psychological problems caused by dissatisfaction with the appearance of own legs.

Liposuction of the Thighs and Legs: Approaches to the Procedure and Advantages of the Surgical Method

At present, aesthetic cosmetology offers various methods of non-surgical fat removal, and medical centers offer various methods of liposuction: vibrational, laser, radio-frequency, ultrasound. But the medical scientific community recommends classical surgical liposuction. It has the following advantages:

  • allows to safely remove large amounts of fat tissue in one procedure. Usually 1 surgery is enough to completely cope with the problem;
  • has a clear algorithm of actions. Such surgeries have been carried out for a very long time and the technique is thoroughly studied and simple for an experienced surgeon;
  • provides high efficiency, with strict adherence to the recommendations of the surgeon, the fat will no longer come again.

Surgical liposuction carries small risks – bruises and haematomas may remain after the procedure, but they will quickly disappear – virtually during the first week of the recovery period.

Contraindications for the Procedure

The list of contraindications for liposuction is short. It includes:

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • oncology;
  • infectious diseases, acute form of chronic and autoimmune diseases – until recovery/recession;
  • blood clotting disorders.

Please note that liposuction of the legs and hips is intended only for adult patients!

6 Steps: How is the Surgery for Removing Fat from the Legs Performed

In the surgery for removing fat from the legs and thighs, 6 main steps can be distinguished:

  1. Preliminary consultation and preparation for the surgery;
  2. Marking the areas to be corrected during the surgery – the surgeon virtually puts marks on the body with a marker, on which he will work;
  3. Treating the skin with an anesthetic and introducing anesthesia. The type of anesthesia is selected with the participation of a professional anesthesiologist, typically it is local anesthesia;
  4. Introducing a liquid that will soften the fat tissue and facilitate the surgery;
  5. Making incisions, entering cannulas, special surgical tubes, in them. They are connected to a vacuum suction, using which fat is removed;
  6. Closing the incisions using self-absorbable sutures.

The duration of the surgery depends on the number and size of areas that require correction, and the volumes of fat deposits.

Rehabilitation and Postoperative Care

You can go home immediately after the surgery, although we recommend staying one night in a comfortable hospital for observation. Then there are restrictions on food and bad habits, certain activities (you cannot visit the sauna, swimming pool, take hot bath). In the third day it is necessary to start physical activity. It is recommended to wear, during the entire rehabilitation period, compression underwear. Your surgeon will tell you more about the features of recovery.