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Buttock lift

Buttock lift is a surgical operation aimed at creating an ideal “fifth point” appearance and an attractive silhouette. With age, after sharp fluctuations in weight (rapid weight gain and loss), after pregnancy or an injury, the skin in the gluteal area may lose its tonus and its sagging appears. The gluteal muscles can atrophy, which results in ptosis and loss of shape. In this case, a lift is required. However, do not be afraid of a lot of medical terms – this is a fairly simple surgery that gives a quick result. And most importantly, it lasts a lifetime.

Buttock lift

Lifting, or Buttock Lift: Creating Ideal Shapes in Just One Procedure

In plastic surgery, everything is based on several points: talent, a high level of professionalism which is achieved in the process of training and practice, the use of innovative equipment and tool. But the main thing is empathy, understanding of the problems of each patient and a sincere desire to help him/her. This is the approach used at the clinic of Dr. Chornomyz. The entire team of specialists led by the plastic surgeon Dr. Olexandr Chornomyz works to create the beauty of the body and make people happier and more self-confident. The medical center is equipped at the level (and sometimes even better) of expensive European clinics, while prices are an order of magnitude lower than abroad. You will receive more information about the surgery, indications for it, features of recovery, the cost at an individual consultation. Sign up for it by calling to phone numbers listed on the site.


There are a few options for buttock lift but only a surgical method can provide for a high and lasting result. If there are no hormonal changes or a sharp and significant fluctuation in weight, the effect will persist throughout lifetime. Therefore, many people prefer to resort specifically to the surgical method without resorting to temporary half-measures.

Buttock lifting is resorted to by men and women in the presence of the following indications:

  1. the skin loses elasticity, stretch marks appear;
  2. atrophy of the gluteal muscles, which causes sagging of the soft tissues;
  3. lowering of the buttocks, usually after a sudden weight loss;
  4. the proportions of the buttocks are compromised (they are larger vertically than horizontally).

Contraindications for the Surgery

There are a number of contraindications that do not allow to make the surgery:

  • blood pathologies, because of which clotting disorders are observed;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • chronic diseases in acute form;
  • oncology;
  • pregnancy, lactation;
  • infectious and inflammatory processes, especially localized in the gluteal area.

In order to exclude contraindications, it is necessary to conduct comprehensive diagnostics of the body that include taking anamnesis, laboratory and clinical tests. Your surgeon will tell you in detail about the necessary examinations and preparation for the surgery at a personal consultation.

How is a Surgical Buttock Lift Performed?

The surgery is performed under general anesthesia. Prior to it, there is a requirement to keep a diet for about 2 to 3 weeks (proper nutrition without spicy, smoked, fatty food as before any standard medical procedures) and no meal should be eaten on the day of the surgery. Before starting the procedure, the surgeon makes markings on the skin, on which he will then work. After applying anesthesia, he makes small incisions which can be located at the top of the buttocks or in the direction of the subgluteal sulcus. After that, excess fat tissues and skin are excised. The lowered soft tissues are lifted and tightened, then straightened and sutured with a special cosmetic suture. It takes up to 3 hours in time. At the same time, gluteoplasty may be performed, i.e., a surgery on increasing the buttocks using an implant or one’s own fat tissues.

Postoperative Recovery

Postoperative recovery carried out in a fairly easy way. This is a minimally invasive procedure and there is practically no discomfort from it (if there is a slight painfulness, the doctor will prescribe painkillers). Small bruises or swelling may remain but they go away on their own within a week. But still, it is recommended to spend the first day in the hospital under the supervision of experienced physicians. On the second day already it is possible to return to social life, work, and usual activities. However, with some restrictions: for the recovery period, you need to wear special compression underwear, limit physical activity, not to take a hot bath and not to go to the sauna or bathhouse. The stitches are removed on the tenth day, but the compression underwear should continue to be worn for about a month. Still, the result is worth it – your buttocks will become lifted and rounded, and the silhouette will be attractive again.