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How to choose breast implants? Advantages and disadvantages of different types

Which are the best breast implants? There is no single answer to this question. Each type has its advantages and disadvantages, and the choice should be based on the individual characteristics of each patient. Today, I propose to look at the different types of breast implants, their advantages and disadvantages.

Smooth implants

These implants have a smooth surface, which makes them easier to move around in the breast cavity and means they are less likely to rupture. Smooth breast implants can be made of different materials, such as silicone or saline. They come in a variety of sizes and shapes, allowing the plastic surgeon to choose the implant that best suits the patient's individual needs.

The benefits of smooth implants include: 

  • The smooth surface does not create a significant scar. It is not attached to the external tissues, so contracture (inflammation, compaction of the implant capsule) almost never occurs. Smooth implants either do not form a capsule at all or the capsule is very thin. This model is therefore more compatible with the body;
  • The likelihood of prolapse with the breast. This is both a plus and a minus. Especially if you gain weight, such an implant will go down with the breast, whereas models with fixation will stay in place; 
  • Implants are softer to the touch than textured implants, it feels more natural;
  • Easy to correct if necessary. The shape and position of such an implant is much easier to correct.

At the same time, there are a number of disadvantages:

  • If an anatomical shape is chosen, distortion can occur because such implants are not fixed to the tissues. This is not the case with round implants;
  • Over time, they can move sideways or downward. To avoid this, you must be very responsible in following the recommendations in the post-operative period. In particular, it is essential to wear compression garments, and this is necessary for the longest period of time - up to 3 months - with smooth implants;
  • Thin patients may experience rippling - a kind of wave. However, this depends on the softness rather than the structure;
  •  Due to the smooth structure and slippery surface, there is increased pressure on the scars, which can cause them to separate. This is more likely to happen with larger lifts.

These implants have a smooth surface, which reduces the risk of capsule formation. At the same time, the smooth surface may contribute to future implant migration.

Textured breast implants

They have a textured surface that helps to prevent dislodgement and provides better fixation of the implant in the soft tissue of the breast. Compared to smooth implants, textured implants have a lower tendency to shift and separate, making them more stable and reliable.

The main advantages of this type of implant:

  • Better fixation, so it is possible to use anatomical shapes with a much lower risk of twisting;
  • No slippage, so it is possible to predict their position after some time;
  • Versatility, can be installed under the gland or under the muscle; 
  • No pressure on the wound edges, which significantly improves the scar healing process;
  • Reduced time spent wearing compression garments - just 1 month is enough.

Disadvantages of this type of implant include: 

  • Frequent cases of contracture due to a dense capsule;
  • Hardness to the touch.

These implants have a textured surface, which reduces the risk of capsule formation and provides better fixation in the breast. However, the textured surface can increase the risk of infection and also increase the risk of implant rupture compared to a smooth surface.

Polyurethane breast implants

These are types of breast implants made from polyurethane, a special material that has a porous structure. The main advantages of polyurethane breast implants are:

  • Strong fixation, they do not move over time, so it is easy to predict the position after a certain period of time. However, in some cases, such as weight gain, this can be a disadvantage;
  • Possibility of choosing an anatomically correct shape or creating a very large breast. There is no risk of twisting;
  • No pressure on the scars, so they heal more quickly;
  • Less rehabilitation required. You can stop wearing compression garments after 3-4 weeks and resume sports in a month;
  • Possible use in prosthetics after seroma or torsion of implants.

On the face of it, this is the best option. But they also have a number of disadvantages:

  • They are technically difficult for a surgeon to work with. They are not forgiving - a shift of even 0.5 centimeters is noticeable and cannot be corrected by compression;
  • Human skin does not remain motionless, it will sag over time - and that is normal. Polyurethane, on the other hand, remains stationary, so after a while the gland will slip off the implant and a correction (surgical lift) will be required. Smooth models, as mentioned above, slide off with the gland;
  • They require more access during installation than other types;
  • Polyurethane pulls in scars in breast lifts with breast reduction. This is why many surgeons (including me) do not use them in cases of significant reduction.

As a result, polyurethane implants have several advantages over other types of breast implants. They reduce the risk of capsular contracture, a complication that can occur after implantation when the tissue around the implant swells and hardens. Polyurethane implants are also less likely to move or rupture than other types. However, as with any medical procedure, there are certain risks and complications associated with polyurethane breast implants that you should discuss with your surgeon before surgery.

Instead of a CV

When choosing an implant for breast augmentation, it is important to understand that each type has its own advantages and disadvantages. If you want the most natural-looking breasts possible, you can choose anatomical implants with a structure that helps them stay in place. If you want to look more voluptuous, you can choose smooth, round implants. For very large sizes, you can use polyurethane implants. If you need a lift, you can choose textured or small smooth implants. Choosing the right implant depends on each woman's individual needs. It is important to consider the choice of implant carefully, taking into account your doctor's advice and your own needs. It is also important to know that implants can have their own characteristics and problems can occur, so it is important to be sensible and responsible in such situations. If you have a problem with an implant, it is better to talk to your doctor with understanding and find a solution together, rather than blaming someone without reason.